My Birthday Wish List

I’ll be turning 25 on June 23rd. I’m excited, but at the same time I feel like its another year gone. I got a lot accomplished in less than a year, so this year I’m happy about that. I hope my blog keeps doing well. Now if only I’d work harder on my writing. I’m…

Our Garden

As it is getting hotter, the produce keeps getting greater. Our garden has been producing like crazy and I’ve eaten so much squash, I feel like I’m going to turn into one. My parents and I are blessed to have such a great garden. It saves us money on produce and we have enough to…

Trying Out My Freebies

If you read my earlier posts about freebies, then you know I’ve gotten quite a bit. The question is, are they any good? I’ve tried out a variety of products and will be giving my honest opinion. Hope you enjoy! NYX buttergloss- This is a great lip gloss! I’ve used it a few times, besides…

My TBR Shelves

Like every reader, I have books I haven’t been able to get to yet. I feel I have a lot more than others, however. I shop at a lot of thrift stores and cheap online bookstores so I acquire a lot of books. I’ve been a huge reader since I was a kid and it…

Imperfect Foods

What is Imperfect Foods? Imperfect Foods is a service that delivers fresh but imperfect produce and other products to your door at a fraction of the cost of a grocery store. They are a company that tries to stop food waste and instead works with a variety of partners to utilize the “damaged” goods. The…

The Great Outdoors

Nature is everywhere, and I’ve been so excited to get back into it. I love the outdoors and have been craving to go hiking. I know not everyone will feel the same, but here’s how everyone can incorporate a bit of nature into their lives. Watch nature videos. You won’t have to leave your house…

April Reads

The month of April was filled with so many great reads. There were so many I loved, and I can’t wait to see what I get to read in May. I read thirteen books and ten manga. Hope you enjoy! I started the month off with How To Be Bad by E. Lockhart, Lauren Myracle,…

April Freebies

Like last month, I wanted to share all the free things I got this month. I’ll link all the websites I can so you can have a chance to get some goodies in the future as well! From Sampler I got a box with NYX cosmetics. A matte finish setting spray, butter gloss, pore filler…

Low Budget Home Makeovers

Being at home all the time, a lot of us has extra time to use. What better than to do a home makeover? Money might be tight but you don’t have to spend a lot to create something different. Here’s some ideas on what you can do: Clean up your yard. Rake your leaves, mow…

Gardening In South Texas

I’ve lived in south Texas all my life. Every year my parents and I plant a good sized garden. We are big fans of fresh veggies and this year is no exception. We’re thankful we have it this year with it being hard to go to the store for fresh produce all the time. Every…