The Great Outdoors

Nature is everywhere, and I’ve been so excited to get back into it. I love the outdoors and have been craving to go hiking. I know not everyone will feel the same, but here’s how everyone can incorporate a bit of nature into their lives.

  1. Watch nature videos. You won’t have to leave your house to see these amazing sights if you don’t want to. For those who live in the city where they might not see much wildlife, this is the perfect way to view some. A great YouTube channel I’ve found is They also have a Twitter where they post many short clips Be sure to give them a follow and subscribe!
  2. Go outdoors. You don’t have to go off on an adventure or anything. Just sit outside with no distractions. Enjoy the fresh air and the sun on your face.
  3. Go hiking. Hiking is great exercise, plus it is a great way to see nature. There are many great places to see and I’m sure many are close. This website let you put in your city and helps find trails near you.
  4. Go out on the water. Whether swimming, fishing, or riding around on a boat, you get a chance to be out in nature.
  5. Go biking. This is also great exercise, plus the feeling of the wind on your face is great.
  6. Go camping. If you don’t want to go find a place to camp, use your backyard. Roast marshmallows, tell spooky stories, but most of all, enjoy yourself.
  7. Go stargazing. You can do this camping, or just anywhere really. Take a moment to gaze at the sky and all the wonders that are stars and planets.
  8. Go on an ATV/ UTV trail. These are for the more adventurous, but they are certainly a thrill to ride. Some places even has rentals. Just make sure the place you want to go to allows them.
  9. Ride a horse. There are many trails that you can ride horses on. Make sure you’re an experienced rider for safety measures. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.
  10. Visit a State/National park. Take a small vacation and choose somewhere new to visit. This site has all the sites listed, including the state they are in.

There are many safety measures you should take when you go out into the wild. Make sure you have plenty of food and water. Take it easy. Don’t rush, not only will you miss out on a lot but you could also overexert yourself. Wear the right clothing for the area. Comfy shoes are a must! Make sure you pack a first aid kit, maps, a multi tool, a lighter, and a flashlight to be on the safe side. Being prepared will help in the event that something does happen.

Leave nature the way you found it that way future generations are able to view the amazing sights we have now. Pick up your trash to protect animals. Don’t play with the animals either. They are wild and can attack. I know this all seems like a lot, but just play it safe. Take pictures and make memories that will last. Above all, enjoy yourself.

Hope this gave you all some ideas on getting outdoors. Thank you for reading! Until next time.