I’ve been trying so many healthier snacks lately, and I’m so excited to share four more today. If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ll know I have three other posts like these where I share healthy snack ideas. If you haven’t go ahead and check those out if you want after you read this one. I’ll have them linked down below. Let’s get into the snacks!

Pizoots are peanuts and almonds that infused with flavors. There are so many amazing flavors to choose from. Plus there’s no messy fingers because the nuts are not coated in any spices or flavorings, which means they’re perfect for on the go. They aren’t super high in calories and the packs are small which makes it a perfect healthy snack. I didn’t think I would like them, but the dill pickle flavor was my favorite. The have some very hot options if you like very spicy food. Their website: https://www.pizootz.com/

Red Rose Tea: Sweet Temptations
Who said you can’t have dessert that isn’t healthy? With the Sweet Temptations line for Red Rose Tea, you can! With flavors such as caramel apple pie, blueberry muffin, lemon cake and strawberry cheesecake you’ll soon forget that you aren’t having dessert. The teas are sweetened with stevia, which means the tea is zero calorie and zero sugar. It is also caffeine free so you can have a cup before bed. I really like the strawberry cheesecake flavor and have had several cups of tea. The blueberry muffin and caramel apple pie are great too. I still have to try the lemon cake sometime, but I’m excited to. This is a great snack that will make you feel full and satisfied, without adding any more calories. https://redrosetea.com/products/sweet-temptations-bundle

Jerky is a great snack because of its source of protein. It is very high in salt though, so if you’re someone who struggles with these issues, jerky isn’t for you. You can always make it yourself and find lower sodium options. It is a bit of work, but you can still have jerky that way. Jerky is very easy to take on the go, and there are so many kinds and flavors out there now. Read the nutrition facts and find the best one for you.

String cheesecake
I love string cheese. There are always small portions that you can buy, plus there are lots of options now. I usually go with mozzarella, since it is about 70 calories. It is great for on the go, or when you just want a light, refreshing snack. String cheese does also have some protein and calcium. This snack is a bit higher in fat than I like, but sometimes you just need a little splurge.
I’d like to give a big thank you to Jenna over at Harris Tea Company and to Pizoots for sending me some of their products to try and review. I’ve really enjoyed trying them! Thank you all for reading. Hope this inspires you to try some new healthy snacks! Make sure you go visit Red Rose Tea and Pizootz at their websites linked above, Until next time.