Healthy Snacks (Part 2)

As you may see, this is part two of my healthy snack series. If you haven’t read the first one, I’ll link it down below. Basically, I just share some healthy snack ideas and why they’re great. I have four more today, but I will be doing more in this series, so subscribe to stay up to date on these posts and more.

Grenade- Grenade has many different protein bars. With so many flavors, they are a great choice. The texture of the bar is better than a lot of protein bars in my opinion. These are great for on the go and make great after workout snacks. They also make cookies, spreads, and from what it seems, supplements. I’ve tried quite a few of their CarbKilla bars and I’m impressed. They have flavors such as Birthday Cake, Caramel Chaos, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Cream, Dark Chocolate Raspberry, Peanut Nutter, Salted Caramel, White Chocolate Cookie, and White Chocolate Peanut. These are GMO free and low in sugar. You can get discounts on their website here: or even get a sample pack so you can try them on their website or even Amazon.

Nature Valley- Where do I even begin with Nature Valley products? These are some of my favorites and I typically go to them before going to others. They have so many different snacks to choose from and even carry granola. Nature Valley products are available at most stores. From soft to crunchy bars and snacks, they have a little something for everyone. For more information and the occasional coupon, go to their website:

Popcorn- I love popcorn, but not all popcorn is healthy unfortunately. Of course, lightly buttered is better than say movie theater butter but it is all a preference. I’m a huge kettle corn lover. I’ve tried many brands of popcorn, but I’ve found I really like SkinnyPop, Smartfood Popcorn, and Angie’s BoomChickaPop. Smartfood: SkinnyPop: and Angie’s BoomChickapop: These are all healthier options that taste great.

Fruit- We’ve heard it all our lives, fruit is healthy. Which it is. Fruit has many different benefits which change with every fruit there is. I could list every benefit each fruit has here, but that would be a very long post, so I’ll try to find an article to read if you’re interested in learning more. You can eat fruit with dip or plain. You can infuse your water with them, bake with them, and so much more. Fruit is great for anytime, but is typically better in the morning so you can burn off the sugar.

Here’s part one if interested: Thank you all so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed this. Until next time.