Grilling Season

Grilling season is probably one of my favorite seasons. Yes, I know it technically doesn’t count, but I’m making an exception. It is the perfect time to get together with friends and family and grill up tasty food. Produce is nice and fresh plus full of flavor. Why not add more by grilling it? Grilling is also usually healthier for you too. With everything going on in the world, you can still get some air and grill.

First you need a grill. I typically don’t use a grill, but my dad does. He does however, have a Blackstone which I love to cook on. It is so easy to use and makes everything tasty.

Next you need some seasonings and cooking utensils. There are a few seasoning I use constantly but I love trying new flavors. Certain utensils come in handy for certain meats or vegetables. It is amazing how much stuff they make for grills now. Even the Blackstone cook top has lots of useful items. After all, it makes great breakfasts too.

Lastly all you need is the food. Season it how you want, grill it up, and use all your new grilling tools. The most important part is to have fun. You’ll learn to grill at your own pace. There will be mistakes, but that’s all part of learning something new.

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great rest of the week. Until next time.
