I Worked Out Like A Firefighter

Firefighters are very important people. They give so much of themselves, often at the expense of their own lives. Their bodies and minds are constantly under stress. Their very lives are filled with challenges. Most firefighters are physically fit, so I decided I would take the challenge: I would train like a firefighter.

I am definitely not what you would call “fit”. I know I could be a lot more active. Doing this two week workout definitely pushed me. My body was sore half the time and there were many times I felt like quitting. It wasn’t easy. The workouts were difficult. A lot of strain were put on my joints. It really makes you appreciate what firefighters go through for us.

I did not create any of these workouts, except the ones that were “my choice”. I found the rest online and I will leave all my resources down below as well as my workouts.If you would like them sent to your email, subscribe! All new subscribers will receive the detailed workouts plus my two week plan. Now, let’s get into the workouts.

Starting out, I was sure #1 would be super easy-it wasn’t. It put more strain on my ankles than any other workout. #2 was hard and your thighs will kill you, but it wasn’t terrible to get through. #3 was probably the easiest for me. Two minutes of squats are pure torture, but the time is up before you even know it. #4, I don’t even know how to explain how much this workout took out of me. It is a short workout, but four minutes per exercise is a killer. On arm workout days that I got to pick, I chopped firewood. Swinging an axe down really worked my arms, shoulders, and back. There are times that firefighters have to chop down a door, so I thought this was a fitting workout.

Now let’s talk about calories. The first day, I did workout #1. I burned about 145 calories. Day two was legs and cardio and I burned 222 calories, having done 2.2 miles. Day three and workout #3 I burned 198 calories. Day four was an arm workout and I burned 442 calories. Day five was workout #2 and I burned 85 calories. I took two rest days then started the next week with another arm workout, burning 316 calories. Workout #3 was next and I burned 71 calories. Next was workout #4 with 210 calories, followed by workout 1 and cardio with 306 calories and 1.6 miles. Next was Workout #2 with 116 calories. I finished the week with a light leg workout, burning 90 calories. These are just my results. You will probably burn different amounts of calories than I did. I also did not have exactly all the equipment needed, so my results may have been different if I had the right equipment.

I wish I would have taken measurements to see the difference, but I know there are some. My thighs feel more muscular as do my arms. Towards the end of the second week, I could do squats with ease. Sure they still burned, but I wasn’t sore the next day because of it. In the future, there are some workouts from this I would keep. Overall, I was really put to the test by these workouts. I can only imagine how much work goes into actually putting out fires and things like that. These may not be 100% correct, I’m just going off the research I did for these workouts. Many of these were stated by actual firefighters, but I have no idea how often they workout and what all they do.

Above all, make sure you are doing the exercises right so you don’t hurt yourself. Stretch before and after to help your muscles. Make sure to fuel your body. Push yourself. Your body is stronger than your mind. Try out BCAAs to help with recovery. I drink a lot of Extend products for a pre-workout and to help with recovery.

Hope you enjoyed reading about this workout challenge. If there’s anything you’d like me to test out, comment down below or email me at alittlebiteoflife@yahoo.com. I’m starting a new workout challenge in June that will last the whole month. Subscribe to stay tuned! Also follow me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/kris_tyy_/ ) to see behind the scenes of workouts and my life. Plus I post many sneak peeks for blog posts. Thanks for reading! Until next time.


Darebee Firefighter Workout off Pinterest:

FRF Crew Challenge Workout off Pinterest:

Another off of Pinterest:

Captain Thomas Tanzosh of NYC fire department on Good Morning America:


From Instagram, they have a lot of workouts, even though I didn’t do them: https://www.instagram.com/firefighterffit/

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Megha Todi
3 years ago

Nice one

3 years ago

Wow you’re so brave! I am so lazy, I can’t get myself to even take a walk. I think this is an impressive challenge!