Disney Date Night: Tangled Edition

All movie rights and characters belong to Disney. My interpretations are my own.

I’ve been a huge Disney lover for a long time. I love the movies and the magic behind them. Since Covid, I’ve had to figure out new ways to have “dates”. I’m a single girl, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a date night. Which means, you can too. This would be great for a single’s night, girl’s night, couple’s date night, or something the whole family can enjoy. I really enjoyed my night last night, because I took the time to make it special. Hope this gives you some great ideas!

The Food:

Food, I feel is one of the biggest parts. You can have a special meal, while still going with the theme of the movie. These are just some I came up with based off of Tangled, but you could totally find and make other food.

  • Root Beer: They drink ale or beer in The Snuggly Duckling, but I’m not a huge beer drinker so I went with root beer.
  • Chicken Noodle Soup: This was used to represent the hazelnut soup Rapunzel likes or even the pot of stew (?) that they have at The Snuggly Duckling. It could even represent the soup made out of the flower for the queen.
  • Apples: These were of course, for Maximus. He loves apples so I had to have one in honor of him.
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies: Rapunzel is carrying plates of cookies while she’s singing “When Will My Life Begin” in the beginning. Plus I made it into a heart for the great love story.
  • Mug Cake: I was originally going to make cupcakes, but I decided to just do a mug cake instead. I didn’t want to have too many desserts around, but I did still want to have a “cupcake” like the one Rapunzel and Flynn share at the castle during the festivities.


A movie wouldn’t be complete without a few things to do either before, after, or during. I’m not one who can just sit there and watch a movie without doing something, so I found having something to do with the movie helps me pay attention more.

  • Baking is something Rapunzel enjoys, so when I made cookies before the movie I couldn’t help but think of her.
  • Before watching Tangled, I wanted to feel more like a princess. I took a nice, long shower and did a hair mask. It left my hair feeling silky and smooth. Unfortunately, I don’t own purple pajamas to represent Rapunzel’s dress, but I did have pink ones that I used instead.
  • During the movie, I colored. I couldn’t find a chameleon to represent Pascal, so I did a butterfly instead. I’m sure there’s some floating around in the movie somewhere.
  • I did have some candles lit around the room while I watched the movie. I reminds me of the movie since Rapunzel makes candles, plus they’re almost like the floating lanterns. The few that I used were gifted from https://candlelaxation.com/ .

Hope you enjoyed this! I had so much fun doing this and I hope you try to have your own Disney date night. This is just a way to relax and have fun while watching some of your favorites Disney movies. I’ll for sure make more of these posts in the future, so make sure you’re subscribed. Until next time.

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3 years ago

Ooh I love this idea! Tangled is by far my favorite Disney movie of all time… It replaced Aladdin in my heart!

Crystal @ Simply Full of Delight

My kids would totally be into doing a Tangled night with me. I love the ideas you pulled from the movie. What fun!

Katrina Crandall
3 years ago

What a fun idea! I am a huge Disney fan and love the idea of doing a “date night” based on a Disney movie. My daughter would be really into this. Thank you for the inspiration!