I love ramen. I know it isn’t all that great for you, but I still eat it from time to time. It has taken me months to make my way through all these different ramens, but it has been so fun and yummy. These are all my own thoughts, so you may think differently about these.

Lucky Me! Pancit Canton chow mein noodles: original flavor- these were really good. They had enough flavor and the noodles were a great texture.

Maruchan ramen noodle soup: chicken flavor- This was the brand we always used to buy…and it just didn’t compare to a lot of the others. They’re definitely the cheapest but had the least amount of flavor to me and my dad. (He had a shrimp one the other night and was not impressed.)

Mama Pho Ga: rice noodles with chicken flavor- While this isn’t technically “ramen” I still wanted to try it. I hated it. It was very greasy, there were chunks in there which I think was tofu (I probably should have read the package). The flavor wasn’t great either. I couldn’t eat but a little bit of it but my dad managed to choke it down.

Paldo bowl noodle soup: chicken flavor- Unlike the last bowl noodle soups, this one was so good. It was a bit spicy but not so much that I couldn’t handle it.

Indo Mie Instant Noodles: fried noodle and chicken curry flavor- I really enjoyed both of these. THe chicken curry was pretty spicy but both were very yummy.

Sapporo Ichiban Japanese style noodles: Beef and chicken flavors- These were probably some of my favorites. I really liked both flavors and I typically don’t like beef ramen.

Kasugai Strawberry Gummy Candy- These were okay. I decided to add these since I tried them amongst the ramen sampling. The texture reminds me of a fruit snack but it has a sort of film on it that tastes a bit weird. The strawberry flavor is great though.
These are all the ramen I tried. Thank you so much for reading! Until next time.