I’ve had my library for quite a few years now and I just realized I’ve never shared it on here. I love it so much, especially since I did a lot of the work in it. It does have some issues, but I don’t really care. Hope you enjoy it!

My first main section is my fantasy section. I have it sorted by authors first, and if I only have a book or two by the author, I sort it into what types of paranormal creatures are in it. (For example: vampires, werewolves, etc.) Some authors I have a ton of books by them so they get a huge section on my shelves.

I have a window in that room, which does leak from time to time. I’ve lost a few books because of it so that’s why there are no books on these shelves. Instead, I have a plant and cute owl stuff. (I love owls if you couldn’t tell)

Across from my fantasy shelves are my romance shelves. I do also have my tools and a few other things under these shelves too.

There’s another little room attached, and it has a chair, table, display case with storage and my manga/children’s/middle-grade/mystery/non-fiction/classic books (yeah, I know it’s a huge variety lol). I have a lot of anime posters up as well as pillows. I have a plant too. This window does leak sometimes too unfortunately.
That’s my library! I love it so much and it is honestly my happy place. Hope you enjoyed! Until next time.