I love how my bullet journal spreads for March turned out. I knew what stickers I had wanted to use, but was still unsure how I was going to set it up. It ended up looking so good and since I’m doing two readathons this month I get to see even more of them. Hope this gives you some inspiration!
All the vegetable and flower stickers are from https://peppercutstudio.com/

First are my quote and month spreads. I used the quote “Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”

My first Readathon spreads are for Realmathon ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqGkLh_8zW0&t=1034s ) I just printed out the prompts and wrote down the bonus points for it before decorating with flowers and washi tape.

My second readathon is Spring Into Readingathon ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz_5ASkfSHc ) This one has a bingo board and a wrote out a TBR on here as well. All these books will work for both readathons, I just wanted to pick out a book for every square on here that I could.

Finally I have my books read spreads with the place for my stats at the bottom. I left a lot of space so hopefully I fill it all up with the books I read.
Those are all of my March reading journal spreads. Hope you enjoyed! Until next time.