Even though June isn’t even half over, I went ahead and set up July’s reading journal spreads. With the way I have my schedule set up for the month, I wouldn’t have been able to post this until later in July and I didn’t want that. So we get to have it early. I went with a food theme this month and I liked it. It screams Summer to me too.

First is my quote and title page. I went with the quote “Eating and Reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.” by C.S. Lewis. I really like this quote and it went perfectly to combine two of my passions. I then just put a lot of food stickers and washi tapes.

Next is by TBR and Day’s Read spreads. I don’t love how I did my TBR page, but I really like my day’s read page. I’m trying to see what size boxes I like the best, so this month we get some bigger ones.

Last is my books read spread. I love how this turned out and can’t wait to see what it looks like all filled out. June’s page is getting very full (*Spoiler :)*) and I love it.
Those are all my spreads for July! Hope you enjoyed this month’s theme. Until next time.