I had a big life event (kinda) happen in February, and I haven’t said anything about it. I tried some new places, and did some other things that I figured I could share so that’s what I’m doing today. I hope you enjoy this!
First thing is I got a new vehicle! I finally traded in my Escape that was on its last wheel (heehee) and got myself a Bronco. February was also the month of no work so I’m sure you know how stressed I was about that…
I started working out again pretty regularly. I could do better, but I’m happy just to start using my gym again. I did also work out with my cousin at her house, which was a lot of fun even if she tried to kill me. I ended up messing up my elbow so it put a bit of a spanner in things, but it’s back to normal now.
I also went to a few new places with her and her husband. We went to a place called Chick N Pickle to watch his company play in a tournament one day and then the next night went to Thirsty Horse Saloon for another of his work things. We had a great time at both places and I was glad to hang out with them.
We finally got a job for the first full weekend of March so we’ve been prepping a house. I am so glad to be making some money. Pango and Mercari have been slow for me lately so hopefully they pick up for me too. I’ve posted a lot of new books and finally got a better place for my inventory.
Thank you all for checking out this post! Until next time.