How Is My 30 Before 30 Bucket List Going?

I made a bucket list of things I wanted to do before I turn 30. I am turning 28 this month, so I still have time. I did accomplish some things off my list so I thought I’d share what I have done so far. If you want to see everything I had on that…

Ranking Bailey Zimmerman’s Religiously. The Album.

I love Bailey Zimmerman so much. He’s one of my favorite singers so when he had released an album, I had to get it. I’ve listened to it so many times so I thought I’d rank the songs from favorite to least favorite. There’s not a bad song on here, so it was pretty hard.…

True Crime and Paranormal Shows I Want To Watch

There are a lot of shows I really want to watch. These are all true crime and paranormal shows that are on Netflix. A lot of these sound so good and I can’t wait to start watching them. If there are any I should prioritize, let me know. Also, if you have any recommendations, please…

Recent Life Update

There’s been a lot going on in my life lately, so I thought I’d do an update. Well that, and the blog post I had planned didn’t get finished…so hope you enjoy! First, let’s talk about work. I work for an estate sale company that my aunt runs and we have been BUSY. We’ve had…

Huge Small Business Haul

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these and I have a lot of products to show you all. Quite a bit of the stuff was gifts for Christmas, but I have also placed some orders for myself more recently. I’ll try to link all the shops so you can shop too if…

My Self Care Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is usually a day of self care for me. I typically don’t spend it with anyone other than my parents so I like to have something that I can do just for me. These are some of my favorites to have but if you do this for yourself, just add what self care…

DIY Valentine’s Day Gift +Testing Pinterest Recipes

With Valentine’s Day coming up soon, I wanted to have a gift idea for you all. Whether you are making this for a group or just one person, it is something fun and thoughtful you could give someone who loves sweets. I made about eight different recipes for this “gift”, but you can always do…

A Small Hobby Lobby Haul

I went to Hobby Lobby a few days ago and bought a few things that I wanted to share. I didn’t buy a lot but I’m excited for everything I got. That’s everything I got! Sorry this post was so short but I hope you enjoyed. Until next time.

What I Got For Christmas 2022

I always feel so blessed and grateful but it really hits home at Christmas. I have an amazing family and friends that knows what makes me happy. I love doing these hauls, mostly so I can look back in the future. I know this isn’t everyone’s type of post and that’s okay. I enjoy watching…