Priority Non-Fiction TBR

I have a lot of non-fiction, and for someone who really doesn’t read a lot of non-fiction books, I wanted to make some a priority. I picked ten books that I’m most excited to get to. If there’s one that you think I should choose first, let me know! Those are the ten non-fiction books…

Spring 2023 TBR

I have so many books that I want to read and there are times it’s hard for me to pick what to prioritize. I love making seasonal tbrs since they do help me pick what I actually want to read at the time. I have about fifteen different books that span a variety of genres.…

February 2023 Reads

I got quite a few books read this month. I read quite a few new favorites and a lot from authors I love. Did you read any good books this month? Waiting For Your Heart by Bethany Monaco Smith Synopsis for Love and Other Kerfluffles: Is Cupid a lover or a fighter? This Valentine’s Day…

February 2023 Book Haul

I got a lot of books in February. This is a really big book haul…and I do mean big. I really need to do better in March but we’ll see what happens. I got books from a pretty big variety of places as well. Hope you enjoy! Hobby LobbyThe Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson GiftedThe…

Huge Small Business Haul

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these and I have a lot of products to show you all. Quite a bit of the stuff was gifts for Christmas, but I have also placed some orders for myself more recently. I’ll try to link all the shops so you can shop too if…

My Self Care Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is usually a day of self care for me. I typically don’t spend it with anyone other than my parents so I like to have something that I can do just for me. These are some of my favorites to have but if you do this for yourself, just add what self care…

January 2023 Books Read

I got quite a few books read in January. I really enjoyed most of them too. Did you read any good books this month? What was your first five star of 2023? Countdown to a Kiss by Piper Rayne Three professional hockey players from the Florida Fury attend a New Year’s Eve party at the…

January 2023 Book Haul

I’m starting the year off with a big book haul… A lot of these were gifts or I used gift cards to purchase them and the others were from thrift stores. If you’ve ready any of these books, let me know which ones to prioritize! WonMake Me Whole by Marie JohnstonMake Me Shiver by Marie…

My Top 22 Favorite Books of 2022

I usually try to pick ten of my favorite books from the year, but this year was difficult. There were so many that I fell in love with and quite a few that were part of series. This list has 2 books that are new favorites. I don’t have these in any order, mostly because…

23 in 2023

These are the 23 books I want to get to in 2023. I won’t be going into what these books are about, but I will hopefully tell you in later months when I read them. These books have all been on a TBR last year and I just didn’t get to them. Some of them…