Valentine’s Day Treats

Valentine’s Day shopping can get quite expensive when shopping for a loved one or even yourself. Chocolates and other treats can be quite outrageous and so many times you could easily make it yourself for so much cheaper. Depending on the type of treat you are wanting to make, you could easily make it under…

Romance Movies for Valentines Day

Last Friday I did a post about sad romance movies. Pretty much all of them would make someone cry. Full of heartbreak and lost love. Today, I thought I’d share some of my favorite cute romance movies. Some of these are romcoms, but most are just heartwarming, make you believe in love movies. Again, these…

Sad Romance Movies

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the countdown for couples begin. Whether you are single or in a relationship, movies are great for anyone. I know I love romance movies. They’re probably my favorite genre to be honest. I figured I’d share some of my favorites that never fail to bring tears to my eyes. Not…

The BEST Taylor Swift Songs

There are a lot of people that don’t like Taylor Swift or any of her music. I’ve been a big fan of hers for years and even though there are songs I don’t love, there are so many good ones. I figured I’d make a list of the ones that I can’t listen to enough.…

Todd in the Shadows

This originally started out as my top ten favorite YouTubers, but then I realized I could fill a whole page about each one. All the ones I watch are so unique and deserved their own place in the spotlight. Every so often I’ll do another review of a different YouTuber. If this is something you’d…

Fur Babies

My dogs are my life and are very much my “children”. I’ve always been a huge animal lover, and that hasn’t changed over the years. Although I love cats, I’m allergic so I get to be a dog lady. I currently have three dogs named Sophie, Zoey, and Peaches. Sophie and Zoey were both given…

Trying Something New

Trying something new is always challenging. It can even be scary at times. Although it is something good to do, not many people do it. I am one of those people. This year I decided I wanted to try something different, but I had no idea what. That’s when I read a book that completely…

Series Recommendations

For those of you who read my last blog, I gave quite a few book recommendations. Today is all about some of my favorite book series. I know some people tend to love reading books that go on and on. I will say I can be the same way. Kim Harrison’s The Hollows Series. The…

Book Recommendations

For those of you who know me, you know that I love to read. It is one of my most favorite things to do in life. I read a large array of different genres, so when somebody gives me a recommendation I’m all over it. Some of the best books I’ve ever read were recommendations.…

Money Saving Apps

If you read my 2020 New Year’s Resolutions, you would know saving money is one of my resolutions for this year. There are quite a few apps I have already that I use and love that saved me money last year. I figured I’d share them with you and leave the links for them too.…