2023 Goals Check In- Q1

I had a lot of goals I wanted to complete in 2023 and I don’t always check to see how I am doing with them. I see a lot of people do quarterly check ins so I thought I would start doing them too. These are just my reading goals too. Read 160 books: I…

March 2023 Reads

I didn’t get all that much read in March. I’ve had a lot of things going on and reading was put on the backburner unfortunately. I did really enjoy all the books I read this month though. What did you read in March? Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine In the college town of Morganville,…

March 2023 Freebies

I got quite a few freebies in March. There are a lot that I can’t wait to try out and use. As always, links for all the places I get my freebies will be down below. That’s all the freebies I got this month! Hope you enjoyed. Did you get anything good this month? Until…

March 2023 Book Haul

I got quite a few books in March, but so far it’s been my smallest haul yet. I am very happy about that, especially since this hasn’t been a good reading month for me. Did you get any exciting books this month? Author’s WebsiteRebelling With The Bad Boy by Sarah Sutton HospiceAlways the Last to…

April 2023 Bullet Journal Set-Up

I am so happy with my reading journal spreads for April. I am taking part in a readathon called Realmathon and I wanted my April spreads to reflect that. I will link the video talking about the readathon in case you want to check it out! I used a lot of dragon stickers and other…

Recent Life Update

There’s been a lot going on in my life lately, so I thought I’d do an update. Well that, and the blog post I had planned didn’t get finished…so hope you enjoy! First, let’s talk about work. I work for an estate sale company that my aunt runs and we have been BUSY. We’ve had…

Priority Non-Fiction TBR

I have a lot of non-fiction, and for someone who really doesn’t read a lot of non-fiction books, I wanted to make some a priority. I picked ten books that I’m most excited to get to. If there’s one that you think I should choose first, let me know! Those are the ten non-fiction books…

30 More Booktubers That I Love

I’ve made a few posts like this ages ago and since then I’ve found so many more channels that I love. I will link everyone’s channel as well. There’s thirty more booktubers that I love! Hope you enjoyed! Until next time.

Spring 2023 TBR

I have so many books that I want to read and there are times it’s hard for me to pick what to prioritize. I love making seasonal tbrs since they do help me pick what I actually want to read at the time. I have about fifteen different books that span a variety of genres.…

February 2023 Reads

I got quite a few books read this month. I read quite a few new favorites and a lot from authors I love. Did you read any good books this month? Waiting For Your Heart by Bethany Monaco Smith Synopsis for Love and Other Kerfluffles: Is Cupid a lover or a fighter? This Valentine’s Day…