October 2023 Reads

I read a lot in October. This has been my best month of the year and a very spooky one at that. I had a lot of great reads and some that I didn’t love. These are reviewed as I read them, so some books are a part of series and a few are out…

October 2023 Book Haul

I didn’t buy a ton of books in October, but I did get quite a few. I actually won some books which really made me happy. I have done a post about some of the books in this haul and some you’ll get to see my thoughts on by the end of the month. Thriftbooks…

October 2023 Freebies and Fall 2023 Walmart Beauty Box

I got a fair amount of freebies this month and I’m really excited about a lot of them. I did also get my Fall Walmart Beauty box in too, so I figured I’d share it now. It definitely wasn’t a favorite of mine, and I hope Winter has a better one. Links for everything will…

Trying New Halloween DIYs

I love DIY projects. There were a lot I wanted to try and do this month, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to get to them all. I did two that I’ll be sharing today. None of these are my original ideas, but I don’t have links for any of them. Pinterest is a great place…

November 2023 Bullet Journal Set-Up

It’s hard to believe November is already almost here. My reading journal for November is very cozy and I love it. All the stickers I used are from Pepper Cut Studio (https://peppercutstudio.com/) but I’m not sure where I got any of the washi tape. Hope you enjoy this set-up! First is my quote page and…

Small Business Haul

I love shopping small businesses and have slowly been getting a few things this year. Most of these were gifts, but I did get a few things for me as well. Not all of these were from Etsy, but I will link all the websites I shopped. Wildflowerbookmarks (https://www.etsy.com/shop/Wildflowerbookmarks): Both of these bookmarks were a…

Q3 2023 Goals Check in

I made a lot of goals for myself when it comes to my reading this year. I’ve made good progress, but with just a few months left, I really need to see what I need to concentrate on. Hope you enjoy this! That’s a look at how I’m doing on all my reading goals! How…

20 Things I Want To Do This Fall

I love Fall and all the fun things that you can do during the season. I made a list of twenty things that I really want to do this year and hope to do them all. Those are the twenty things that I want to do this Fall! Hope you enjoyed! If there are any…

Huge Hidden Treasures Romance Book Box Unboxing

I’ve gotten boxes from this company before, and ended up getting a couple that they had in this drop. I got two different boxes as well as a blind date with a book package. I’m excited for all the books in here and can’t wait to read them! You can get yours here: https://www.ladavisbooks.com/store/c5/hiddentreasuresromancebookbox Blind…

September 2023 Reads

I read a lot in September. I was taking part in a lot of readathons and I managed to accomplish a lot of what I wanted to. This will be a long post… so hope you enjoy! Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert Bradley GraemeĀ is pretty much perfect. He’s a star football player,…