April 2024 Bullet Journal Set-Up

I didn’t love the way I set up April’s spreads in my reading journal, but I do like it enough. I love the stickers I used though. I used the quote “I have lived a thousand lives and I have loved a thousand lives. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time.…

Spring Walmart Beauty Box Plus A Few Bookish Unboxings

I’ve gotten a few packages this month that I thought I would share. I usually include my Walmart beauty box in my freebies, but I have quite a few freebies this month so I decided to do a separate post. I have included the books here in my book haul, but there were extra goodies…

Things I Want To Do This Spring

Spring is probably my favorite season. I love getting to see all the wildflowers bloom and the birth/new beginnings for so many things. There are a few things I really want to do this Spring, so I thought I’d share them all with you. Plant a Garden- I help my parents every year with a…

Songs I’ve Been Loving Recently

I love music. I listen to music almost as much as I read, but I don’t talk about it as much. Here are all the songs I’ve had on repeat lately! I could probably think of so many more, but here’s my list! If you have any song recommendations, let me know. Until next time.

Spring 2024 TBR

I really like making lists of books to read, even though I don’t always stick to them. I do have ten books picked out that I’d love to read this Spring. Hope you enjoy! Those are the ten books I want to read this Spring! Until next time.

February 2024 Books Read

I didn’t get a lot of books read in February unfortunately. I think since I read so many in January, I put myself into a bit of a slump. I did have a lot of great reads this month and hopefully I get a lot read in March. Dark Obsession by Cora Kent Marry once…

February 2024 Book Haul

I ended up getting quite a few books this month. I had a gift card that I used up as well as some free book credits from Thriftbooks. I did also get a few books gifted to me and even won a few. Hope you enjoy! Hospice Thrift StoreThe Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever…

February 2024 Freebies

I got a good amount of freebies this month. I’m excited about them and can’t wait to use them. All the places I get freebies will be linked down below like always. Those are all the freebies I got this month! Until next time.

March 2024 Reading Journal Set-Up

I love how my bullet journal spreads for March turned out. I knew what stickers I had wanted to use, but was still unsure how I was going to set it up. It ended up looking so good and since I’m doing two readathons this month I get to see even more of them. Hope…

Beauty Empties #4

I’ve been saving empty beauty products for a while. I haven’t had a chance to do another post until now since I had all my Christmas and New Year content. I do have a pretty good amount, so let’s get into it! These are all my honest opinions and while I do typically say where…