I didn’t have a lot of time to do a post this week, so I’m going with this. I had a few packages I wanted to show off, so I went ahead and did it before I ended up losing them. I will link the shops as usual. I do have a bunch of stuff coming from Etsy, but I probably won’t do that post until next year since a lot of it is for Christmas gifts. Hope you enjoy this short post!

Einsteins Easel: I loved the togepi carton sticker and really appreciated the extras included. EinsteinsEasel – Etsy

LynnzeeBB: I love my chikorita sticker and really like the pokeball too. LynnzeeBB – Etsy

Teletelo: I loved everything in this order! The extras are adorable and I can’t wait to use them! teletelo – Etsy
That’s my Etsy haul. Very small, but the next one will be a lot bigger. Until next time.