A Very Busy January

January has started out with a bang. Things have been hectic and I have been working a lot. I’m grateful, but I also haven’t had time to really do the things that I want to do. My reading has also taken a hit as well. Here’s what’s all going on.

I’m writing this post on January 12th. I helped prep for sales every day last week and starting tomorrow have a sale every day except Thursday through next Sunday. I know I’m going to be exhausted… but I’m glad to have the money.

I have been trying to read two ARCs that are due soon and read my challenge books. It’s been slow going since I have been tired after getting home from working all day. I’ve just been wanting to sleep and reading has been on the back burner.

I’m also having to do quite a few blog posts in advance because of work. I finished two yesterday and want to get this one done today. I will still have one to do next week, but it should be a short and easy one. If there’s anything you want to see in the upcoming months, feel free to leave me some suggestions!

Hope you all enjoyed this bit of life update. I’m feeling stressed and tired of course, but at least I’m staying busy. Plus the income will definitely help with bills. I’m hoping for some time off soon for some recuperation and to try and get some more clothes and books posted on Pango and Mercari.

Thank you for reading! Until next time.