A Fresh Coat of Paint

Just last weekend, I found myself spray painting a plant stand. It was this terrible green color that rubbed off anytime you touched it. I wanted a color to make flowers pop when I get the chance to plant some. There I found myself trying to decide what color to pick. Finally, I chose black. Yes, I know black isn’t the prettiest color I could have chosen. I want my plants to do the talking however. I want bright, colorful flowers that will complement the black.

All of this got me thinking about life. So often we try to blend in amongst others and even hide. Some of us don’t even want to stand out or don’t know how. I feel like even if we think we are a dull color, we can stand out. So much of our lives depend on our jobs, hobbies, friends, etc. What we don’t realize is that they are our bright flowers. We don’t have to be this super interesting person. Our actions and what we associate with speaks for us.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to be the best that we can be. It just means we don’t have to try all the time. We can have off days. We get tired, sick, etc. It is okay! Just pick yourself up and try again. Be the person you’ve always wanted to be. You don’t have to do a complete 360. Just change one thing about yourself you don’t like. Try being nice to someone. Open the door for someone else. Let the other car go in front of you. Its the small things that make a difference.

Thank you so much for reading! Hope you all have a great day. Until next time.