A Rough Year

This year has been pretty rough for me. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I figured I would share some of what is going on in my life. I’m struggling and stressed to the max, but I’m making it.

First, let’s talk about my dog Sophie. She has had a bad bladder infection, which it seems like we got cleared up, as well as bladder stones which we’re still working on. I’ve spent around a grand just at the vets lately, not including all the expensive prescription pet food I’ve had to get lately. It’s definitely taking a toll on my bank account.

Then my car had issues earlier this year and ended up costing me around $1200. Now the engine light is on and I’ll have to deal with that now. I’m hoping it isn’t bad and something that can be fixed fast and cheaply.

Between those two things, it’s really just making me stressed. Money is tight because work has been pretty slow. I’m not making as much as I usually do and I can definitely tell. I’m trying to keep my head up and stay strong but it’s hard at times. Books help. I can get out of my head when I read. I’d appreciate any prayers, good vibes, whatever you’d like. Thank you all for reading. Until next time.

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