Q2 2024 Goals Check-In

I really like making these goals check ins just so I can see how I’m doing, and figure out what I need to work on. I feel like I accomplished more in these past three months, but I guess we’ll see!

**If I accomplished a goal already in Q1 I won’t talk about it again here. https://alittlebiteoflife.com/q1-2024-goals-check-in/***

  • I am currently 135 out of 180 books read for the year. I am so happy with that! I’ve already got a lot read this month and plan on getting a lot more done too.
  • I have only read 1/5 classics. I definitely need to pick more up, especially since I’ve bought a few this month,
  • I have read 2/6 non-fiction. I do have two more I’m “currently” reading that I need to finish.
  • I have read 4/8 500+ page books. I’m currently in the middle of one too and just need to finish it and continue on in the series.
  • I still haven’t read a single thriller. I plan on getting to one next month but who knows if I’ll actually read it.
  • I have read 2/8 ebooks. Not great, especially since I can’t count ARCs, which is mostly what I have been reading on my kindle.
  • I have read 2/13 cozy mysteries. I’m not doing good at this one either…
  • I have read 3/14 of my mom’s books…I need to start prioritizing these more too.
  • I have read 3/15 Christmas books. I’m not mad about this one since I primarily read them in December, but I am doing Christmas in July this year and have read a few and have more planned.
  • I haven’t finished a single series yet. I am close in quite a few of them and should hit seven series by the end of the year.
  • I still haven’t completely read a month’s worth of books from 2023 yet but I’m slowly working on it.
  • I also haven’t read nowhere near half of 2022’s purchases. I’ve read about 10 but still have a whole lot to go.
  • I’ve done good with all my other reading challenges and just have three letters left to fill in my a to z challenge.

That’s how I’m doing on all my reading goals for 2024! Hope you enjoyed. Until next time.