Father’s Day 2024

With Father’s Day almost here, I wanted to make a special blog post for my dad like I did for my mom. Hope you all enjoy!

I don’t think I argue with anyone as much as I argue with my dad. We are so much alike and I know there are lots of times that we get on each other’s last nerve because of it. At the end of the day though, there is no fight or argument that comes between us. We always have a way of working things out.

I don’t rely on anyone as much as my dad. He’s amazing at everything he does and there are times I take him for granted and ask for help a lot. He always helps too, and not just me. There is very rarely a time when he’s not willing to help out anyone. If something is wrong with my car, house, or just want something done that I don’t know how to do (and sometimes don’t want to do) I know I can ask him. He’s such a hard worker and always has been.

My dad is hilarious and has such a smart mouth. He can crack a joke about anything, and since I have his dumb sense of humor I usually find it funny. He’s a really good cook and really takes good care of me and my mom. He’s someone who doesn’t like asking for help, even when he should.

Honestly, I could go on and on about how amazing my dad is. I want to find a husband one day that is pretty close to being like him. Someone reliable, dependable, helpful, caring, hard working, etc.

Hope you all have a great Father’s Day if you celebrate. If you’re reading this daddy, I love you. Until next time.