Every Christmas that I can remember has been filled with baking. As a kid my mom would always bake sugar cookies and as a family we would decorate them together. My mom would do the icing and my dad and I would do the sprinkles. It was my favorite part as a kid; well besides eating them.
Since I’ve gotten older I get to help with the baking. I tend to be the one to mix up the dough and cut out the sugar cookies. We all take part in the baking sometime. In the end though, we all help decorate. My mom still does the icing, and I still get to do the sprinkles with my dad.
Every year we always bake lots of treats to give away as gifts. Its a money saver, but its also something that is a great gift. Everyone likes some sort of baked treat and its not hard to make. It even lets you have a treat. Plus it gives you time with your family. Time to make Christmas memories together.
Baking has always been one of my happy places. There’s just something about mixing ingredients together and making something wonderful. I know a lot of people get stressed out baking. I do too at times, but in the end it is always worth it to me. Its almost peaceful when its just you and the dough. That feeling of kneading a dough into a more pliable substance. Letting it move through your fingers and go into the perfect submissive dough. The happiness when you cut out a cookie and it doesn’t fall to pieces. Baking takes time but it is worth it.
Thank you all so much for reading. Let me know your favorite Christmas cookie or even some of your favorite baking memories. All my social medias are linked at the top of my home page if anyone would like to check them out.