I love how my reading journal for this year looks. I spent a lot of time working on it and made it pretty much perfect to me. I have done reading journals previously and love using them. 2024s is a little different and I can’t wait to use it.

I went for this very pretty lilac colored Paperage journal this year and added lots of bookish and Taylor Swift stickers. I love how this turned out!

First, I have my cover page introducing my 2024 Reading Journal. I added a few bookish stickers and some gorgeous washi tape.

Next is the space where I track the years of the books that I read. I’ve never tracked this in my journal before so I’m excited but nervous to do so.

Next are my Reading Goals and A to Z Challenge spreads. I wish I would have made two pages for my goals since there are so many and the spacing is a bit weird for the a to z challenge.

Next I have my TBR Knockout and Buzzword challenge spreads. There is not as much space as I would have liked for TBR Knockout, but I’ll make it work.

Next is the 24 books I want to read in 2024 and my series tracker. I’ll have a blog post(s) going up soon going over all the books/series if you’re curious about what’s all on here.

I have two spreads (4 pages) of my books read bookshelves next. I love how these look at the end of the year. I tracked them by star rating last year and this year I’m going by months. I have a different color for every month and I’ll color in the book in accordance with what month it is. I am also writing the star rating beside the book too.

The next six spreads are my books hauled. I have one page for each month. I want to track my spending on books so I wanted to make sure I have enough space to do that.

A few new trackers that I’m adding this year are a reading tracker and a fitness tracker. For the reading tracker I will color in the corresponding square for the day. I’m curious to see what it will look like at the end of the year. For my fitness tracker, I will track how many books I “work off” with my ratio: 20 minutes of exercise= one book or 1 mile= one book. I read a lot so I want to make sure I’m moving my body just as much.

Next I have a place to track all my ARCs that I get. Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember when a review is due so I’m hoping this helps.

My last yearly spread is my priority TBR. These are all books people have recommended me that I want to try to read off my shelves this year.

My monthly spreads are going to look a bit different this year. I’m only doing a quote page, cover page, and books read spreads. I love how these pages turned out with the Pokemon doing scientific things. So cute! The quote I chose is “the way I feel about you doesn’t make sense, but sometimes logic doesn’t understand Chemistry.” by Geraldine Inoa
Those are all my yearly spreads and January! Hope you enjoyed this. Until next time.